The Brief
Benalla's Tomorrow Today Foundation wanted to engage the youth of their area in a positive way, give them opportunities to develop these skills and relay it back to their world. In turn, the community would benefit as a result of a program like this.
The Approach
PGT Programs designed a day workshop designed to focus on these themes: working with others, fun, finding your strengths, an opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people. We had a group of 10 between the ages of 11-16 and incorporated a mixture of interactive and passive activities, reflection, discussion and facilitation at the end. We introduced the concepts of planning, communication and cooperation.
Next, we moved into group challenges where the kids were given a task to complete. Together, they focused on how to be successful in that task (and communicating effectively).
Next was a session inside, and a discussion about what they team-work was. We narrowed this down to a list of five traits, described these behaviours and what they would look like if they saw these things in action. This helped turn it from conceptual to practical ideas.
The last session was a wrap up to help connect the ideas and techniques back into their world and their community.
Client feedback:
"The activities involved in outdoor challenges were great. I could really see the students applying the discussed strategies in these tasks.
Paul was easy going and related very well to a group of students he had not met before. He communicated well with me regarding our intended outcomes."
To book your customised training program, call Paul on 03 8797 0220.